• Walcott Street Surgical Centre

    41 Walcott Street, Mount Lawley
    Western Australia 6050

  • Hours of Operation

    8:00am - 5:30pm
    Monday to Friday

  • Contact Us

    08 9328 3006

Find out more

What Is Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is surgery to correct a wide spectrum of diseases, injuries and defects in the head, neck, face, jaws and the hard and soft tissues of the oral and maxillofacial region. It is an internationally recognized surgical specialty.

Why do I need an Oral and Maxillofacial Specialist?

Because of their unique training Oral and Maxillofacial Specialists (OMFS) are the best option for any patient requiring surgery in the mouth or jaws. Their knowledge, training and skill in complicated surgical procedures, treatment management and essential post operative management provides patients with an effective and efficient clinical outcome.

There are non-specialist dental providers providing identical procedures of similar cost, that do not possess the same standard of training.

Within Western Australia there are a limited number of Oral and Maxillofacial surgeons – training is lengthy and very comprehensive, an example of a typical training program below shows the depth of commitment required to provide patients the best clinical outcome available.

The typical training program for an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon is:
  • 4 years Medical Degree (MBBS)
  • Worked as Resident Medical Officer for 2 years
  • 5 Years Dental School (BDSc)
  • Worked as a Dentist for 3 years
  • 4 – 6 Years Surgical Residency Training
  • After completion of surgical training there are final specialty examinations:(Australia/NZ: "FRACDS(OMS)"),
Patient Benefits
Financial Benefits
Oral and Maxillofacial specialists unlike other dental providers have Medical degrees enabling patients to claim some of the costs related to treatment via Medicare or their chosen Health Fund.
Treatment Benefits
As a patient of an OMFS Specialist you will be safe in the knowledge that your treatment, procedure and post operative care and planning will be individualised to suit your needs.
Sedation Options
Seeing our specialists offers you options to undergo your procedures - you can choose from Local Anaesthetic, IV Sedation (light Sedation) or General Anaesthesia.
Medical Tourism - Holiday Makeover

Although medical tourism seems ideal and cost effective it may not be as good as it seems!

Any form of Medical tourism carries some risks that our own Australian Healthcare system does not. South East Asia for example will have very different thoughts and processes to our Australian Healthcare Guidelines perhaps with regard to Regulations governing Surgeons qualifications, permissions to operate within a chosen field, Medical Malpractice Insurance, Clinical guidelines to standard of care and infectious disease-related issues (i.e. Hep B, Hep C). Depending on the hospital and country you decide to choose, there may also be a lack of post-operative care, and as with any long distance air travel there is an increased risk of complications to patients soon after surgery of deep vein thrombosis and potentially a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lung). And last but not least should any complications arise later such as delayed infections these will be harder to treat once a patient has returned home as they will have limited or no contact with the surgeon who performed surgery. Do the costs really out way the outcome?
Legal Issues
Medical tourists could well encounter some unfamiliar legal issues - The chosen Country or Hospital might not have clear and concise complaints procedures should a problem arise? Patients might not be covered by their personal holiday Insurance and if surgeons do not possess appropriate Medical Malpractice Insurance patients might not be unable to seek compensation via malpractice lawsuits. Some Hospitals or doctors may be unable to pay the financial damages awarded by a court to a patient who has sued them.
Ethical Issues
For those patients who are not satisfied with their treatment outcome and may be having recurrent infections and are not able to return to the foreign specialist – Where do they go for further treatment? Will their new specialist be able to treat them? How much more will it cost?

So Perhaps You Should Consider Carefully Before Embarking on that Holiday makeover of a lifetime!

And remember that all privately run hospitals throughout Western Australia are licensed with the Department of Health and Accredited by an External Review Committee, meaning that they have to achieve a regulated standard. Surgeons providing care within Australia are legally obliged to be registered with the appropriate governing body and Board, equipment and implantable devices are TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) approved, Standards of patient care including Infection Control are all governed by Governance and Quality Managers in line with Government Legislation.