• Walcott Street Surgical Centre

    41 Walcott Street, Mount Lawley
    Western Australia 6050

  • Hours of Operation

    8:00am - 5:30pm
    Monday to Friday

  • Contact Us

    08 9328 3006

Reasons for Extraction of Teeth

Prevention of complications

If severely diseased teeth are not extracted promptly, complications such as infection in other teeth or jawbone, spread of infection through the blood stream to other parts of the body, may arise. This may seriously affect your health. 

To improve appearance

As part of orthodontic treatment or a treatment plan to improve the appearance of your teeth, your dentist or orthodontist may recommend removal of a tooth.

Extensive damage

This may be due to decay, broken down large fillings or to accidental trauma to your teeth.

Gum disease

Poor dental habits and build up of plaque and tartar on a tooth or gums may become inflamed and infected. If this is not treated promptly, gum disease is likely to damage the underlying bone and other tissues around the tooth root.

Supernumerary teeth

Some people have one or more additional permanent teeth. They can become impacted which often causes pain, infection and injury to other teeth. A supernumerary tooth that is likely to affect orthodontic treatment is almost always removed.

Tooth with no function

A tooth without an opposite one to grind against during chewing may be better removed. 

Vertical cracks in a tooth root

A root may shift and split and crack upwards or downwards. If repair is not possible, then extraction may be required.

Impacted or ectopic (misplaced) teeth

Failed root fillings

Removal of an odontome: An odontoma is a malformed primitive tooth that did not develop properly. It often causes swelling, delayed eruption of nearby teeth, displacement of permanent teeth and abnormal occlusion (bite). Once diagnosed, the odontoma is usually removed as soon as practicable, depending on the age and oral development of the patient.

Exposure of a tooth

In children, unerupted teeth that become impacted generally require surgical exposure to help them erupt normally. In most cases, the upper canines are the ones to cause difficulties. Other incisors or premolars can be also become impacted. Bone and gum above the impacted tooth are removed so that the top of the impacted tooth can start to move normally. An orthodontic appliance may have to be fitted to assist the tooth into its normal position.

Removal of labial frenum (frenectomy)

An abnormally long labial frenum may cause a large gap between the two upper front teeth. The dense, fibrous tissue between the incisors may need to be surgically removed before orthodontic treatment commences. Frenectomy often improves the long term orthodontic outcome.

Aid to root canal therapy

If nerve and pulp tissue die, an infection is likely to develop at the tip of the tooth root. This infection within the jawbone can cause loss of the tooth and other healing difficulties. Surgical removal of the root tip, called a ‘root resection’ or ‘apicectomy’, can clear the infection and assist in saving the tooth. Root resection is performed in conjunction with root canal treatments.